As I type this very special blog post, Im still in shock that this day is already here. Today is Vanessa’s birthday!
If you already follow my Instagram accounts Facebook and of course snapchat, then you already know this sweet, feisty girl – if you don’t follow me on social media (Shame on you! go to that now!), Vanessa is my niece aka one of my test subjects for my many session ideas! (hint hint Babylove has something special to share very soon featuring this session!)

Out of all of my nieces, I thought for sure Vanessa would make a mess out of her cake but it turns out, she was more interested in singing and photos – just like her zia!

Vanessa, today you are one! Watching you grow over this last year has been amazing. Getting to see you almost everyday, watching you explore the world and becoming the cutest little human makes me so happy. You truly brighten everyones day when you are around.

Happy First Birthday Vanessa!
Zia loves you very much!


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